250x51 Integral Workhorse
250x51 Integral Workhorse
This is a pattern welded gyuto, the steels used are 1095/15n20. The pattern used for this knife was a mosaic base that I ripped a feather down. I would consider it to be a mosaic feather pattern. This knife is a forged integral which you can see with the pattern flowing through the bolster.
This knife has a compound S-grind, which is a hollow along the middle of the blade which aids with food release. Previously, I used a platen that replicated the angle of a 48” wheel for this. As of lately, I have started using a platen that replicates a 36” wheel, I find the slightly deeper hollow creates a more acute apex.
The ferrule and main piece of the handle is lovely orange Arizona Ironwood with copper and g10 spacers.
Blade Length: 250mm
Heel Height: 50mm
Width of spine above makers mark: 3.44mm
Width of spine halfway down: 2.54mm
Width of spine 4cm from tip: 2.07mm
Width of spine 2cm from tip: 1.60mm
Overall weight: 269g